Obtaining Insurance

If your were to build a house on a foundation, you can obtain homeowner's insurance in the usual way. However, if it is 'on wheels', whether removable or not, there are several pathways to insuring these unique structures. We do recommend shopping around as there is no one-size-fits-all insurance for tiny houses and similar structures. Insurance will vary depending on your intended use, location, and whether you plan to travel with your structure or not. Currently, insuring a tiny house costs $45/mo and up depending on your situation. 


Although we would like to, we cannot offer long-term financing directly, as we are a very small business.  There are, however, various options for financing a project:

  1. Lightstream Finance - which is an online lender. This usually requires good credit and/or some collateral.

  2. Personal loan from your bank or credit union. This has the advantage of lower interest rates than most other methods.

  3. Get a loan from friends or family.

  4. Check this listing of lenders on Nerdwallet

  5. When you are shopping for financing, it might help to keep in mind: Zyl Tiny Homes structures hold their value extremely well, because of our extremely high building standards, solid reputation in the tiny house industry, and maintainable designs.